Teaching Experience & Courses Taught

Primarily, I teach courses in cultural and health communication concentrations at James Madison University, including Intercultural Communication, Culture and Health Communication, and New Media and Health. I also have extensive experience teaching general communication classes such as Fundamentals of Human Communication, Introduction to Public Speaking, Journalism in Democratic Society, and  Introduction to Communication Research. Learn More…

Statement of Teaching Philosophy

I believe that education should expand human capabilities towards self-realization, community empowerment, and social justice beyond its traditional role. It is particularly crucial for our future leaders as they will have to tackle the unprecedented social inequality in history. They are our hope for an equitable and just world. In this regard, my goal as a teacher and critical scholar is to empower our students with essential capabilities to ask critical questions, challenge oppressive social structures, fight inequalities, and be an agent of positive social change. Learn More…

Statement of Diversity & Inclusive Excellence

Historically, academia lacks representation and voice in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, immigration status, (dis)ability, and so forth, and non-white, non-western epistemologies, perspectives, contexts, sources, and citations are less extant in academic discourse. Such discrepancy continues to give rise to the dominance of colonial, ethnocentric, and Euro-American viewpoints and inevitably undercount the credibility of scholarships and sources from other contexts. Learn More…

Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness

I am known as an inclusive and welcoming professor. Following are some student comments from recent course evaluations. To learn more about my course evaluation summaries and qualitative comments from students and peer observers, please Continue Reading… 

“Was very inclusive” “he didnt hate anybody and was understanding” “addressed everyone the same and allowed for individuality” “He welcomed different ideas and points of view.” “The material covered inclusive topics + speeches can’t be discriminatory” “allowed zoom classes for absent students” “Was very kind to all students and treated everyone with respect never discriminated against anyone” “Nobody seemed to be discriminated against.” “Ensured that nobody spoke about anything inappropriate in their speeches” “He did a good job in being inclusive and showing resepct.”

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